Cambridge recently received the Platinum Award, at this year’s RYA Green Blue University Sailing Challenge. This is the highest level of the sustainability challenge, which we will aim for again next year. As part of the challenge, we implemented a variety of environmental improvements:
- Achieved a bronze award for the Single Use Plastic Free audit together with the Grafham catering team.
- Signed up our Junior members to the RYA GreenBlue Boating Pledge.
- Organised a dinghy park and shoreline clean, focusing on recycling and the importance of compost when dealing with organic material.
- Created a Check Clean Dry your dinghy information video, demonstrating this practice tackling invasive species at events we attended.
- Investigated the sustainability of the supply and production of our kit, raising awareness and emphasising importance of reducing environmental impact.
- Increased awareness on social media by posting the RYA’s infographics and wildlife videos.
- Performed an environmental checklist with the Grafham office manager and improved last year’s environmental policy.