Cam Cup Winners

The Cam Cup

Introduction to Cam Cup Team Racing

This page lists Cambridge Cam Cup team racing winners from the first event in 1999 until the present time. The Cam Cup is a team racing event held each year in late February or early March (the cup is engraved as: ‘The Cambridge Cup’). Entry is by invitation only, to the best alumni and university teams in the country.

Some History

The event was started in 1999 on the initiative of Jo Sutcliffe (now McEwen, Emmanuel 1996). The cup, lost in the early 2000s but fortunately re-discovered, was resourced from the Club’s store of redundant trophies. The first event set the style for the current competition, with lots of round-robin races followed by knock-out semi-final and final, although only a single on-the-water umpire was in operation at the 1999 event!

Data Details

The code ‘RR’ in the ‘Score’ column of the results table below indicates that the winner was decided on the round-robin league results because final knock-out rounds were not held. All the years listed below are calendar years.

Year Winner Score
2022 (20th Event) Rutland SC 2-1
2021 Cancelled (COVID)
2020 Cancelled (Stormy weather)
2019 Cambridge Blue RR
2018 Cancelled (Freezing weather)
2017 Royal Thames Blue 2-0
2016 West Kirby 2-0
2015 Oxford Blue RR
2014 Itchenor Sonicboom 2-1
2013 Royal Forth Hoosiers RR
2012 Wessex Exempt RR
2011 Spinnaker Auspicious RR
2010 West Kirby 2-0
2009 Tabby Cats 2-1
2008 O&CSS
2007 Magnum 2-1
2006 West Kirby Hawks
2005 Cambridge 2000 2-1
2004 Friendly event (No winner)
2003 Cambridge 90’s
2002 Not sailed
2001 Cambridge 90’s
2000 O&CSS (Cam 90’s)
1999 Cambridge