Windsurfing Varsity Introduction
This page records the list of Cambridge windsurfing varsity teams from the inception of the Oxford-Cambridge match in 1982 until the current day. After the first three matches in 1982-84, the fixture did not become regular until 1990. Names of team members and college affiliations, plus the format of the match, are often missing in earlier years, but are recorded consistently from 2012. The Club has made an annual deposit of teams and season’s results (the Commodore’s Report) in the University archives since that year.
In 2016 a Second Team (non-Blues) match was initiated, first won by Cambridge. The First (Blues) Team is listed first in each year below. We plan to fill in gaps using Blues Committee records when these become available.
Data Details
The bare outcome of the match is recorded here for convenience; the location of, and score for, each match is recorded on the O&CSS website. That makes this detailed information available to both Universities.
Who Gets a Blue
Cambridge Half Blue status was awarded in 1997. Currently Half Blues can be awarded to not more than 2 men who have sailed in the Windsurfing Varsity Match, at the Captain’s discretion. Half Blues can be awarded to not more than 2 women if they finish in the top two Cambridge positions in a Varsity Match race, participate in BUCS/SWA and two other SWA events, and can execute a carve gybe. Oxford windsurfers currently do not get Half Blues.
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Windsurfing 1st and 2nd Teams from 2016 to date. Captain first, other names alphabetic. The outcome is shown as W/L, etc. beneath the year – the first letter being the Blues match outcome and the 2nd letter the 2nds match outcome – if sailed.
Year | Name and College (Capt) | Name and College | Name and College |
2023 W | Johan Kidger (Caius-Capt) | Harriet Palmer (Selwyn) | Jenny Jiang (Murray Edwards) |
2022 | No match (No interest) | – | – |
2020-21 | No match (No Cambridge captain) | – | – |
2019 | No match (No Oxford team) | – | – |
2018 | David Fischer (Girton-Capt) | Helen White (Emmanuel) | – |
L/L | Maddy Green (Murray Ed-Capt) | Sipke Shaughnessy (St Johns) | – |
2017 | Helen White (Emmanuel-Capt) | Chris Watts (St Catharines) | Horatio Cox (Sidney Sussex) |
W/L | Maddy Green (Murray Ed-Capt) | David Fischer (Girton) | Adam Heath (Trinity) |
2016 | Ben Lawrence (Caius-Capt) | Tom Edwards (Jesus) | Torben Heinsohn (Caius) |
W/W | Helen White (Emmanuel-Capt) | Thomas Brouwer (Homerton) | Millie Mitchell (Clare) |
Windsurfing Teams in 2015 and earlier. Format of matches has varied. Captain first, other names alphabetic – except 1982 where lines are 1st and 2nd trios.
Year | Name and College | Name and College | Name and College |
2015 | Laurel Townsend (Sidney Sx-Capt) | George Cooper (Sidney Sussex) | Jorn Emborg (Clare) |
Tie | Ben Lawrence (Caius) | Tom Lawson (Sidney Sussex) | Hal Miller (Emmanuel) |
2014 | Jack Tawney (Pembroke-Capt) | George Cooper (Sidney Sussex) | Tom Edwards (Jesus) |
Won | Emily Guest (Girton) | Hal Miller (Emmanuel) | Laurel Townsend (Sidney Sussex) |
2013 | Jack Tawney (Pembroke-Capt) | Philippe Ayache (Sidney Sussex) | Pete Bunch (Pembroke) |
Lost | Tom Edwards (Jesus) | Emily Guest (Girton) | Zephyr Penoyre (Trinity Hall) |
2012 | Aidan Hopkins (Emmanuel-Capt) | Honor Fell (Newnham) | Zephyr Penoyre (Trinity Hall) |
Won | Sander Probyn (Girton) | Jack Tawney (Pembroke) | David Williams (Robinson) |
1983 | No team records until 2012 | – | – |
1982 | Dave Bishop (Capt) | Pete Sumner | Jim Campbell |
Tie | Graham Topp | Chris von Brummen | Nick Hurst |