Book Cuppers

Book for Cambridge Team Racing and Windsurfing Cuppers in May Week (Tuesday 24th June 2025 – Bus Departures are 9:15am and 10am)

The Yule Oldham (Team Racing Cuppers) Cup
(Booking details for the current year go up in April. If no booking displays appear at the end of this page after that time, Cuppers is over until next year.)

Join in on a great day of team racing and windsurfing. Book for Cuppers at Grafham Water in June and enjoy the famous lunchtime BBQ. Transport by coach departs from Queens Backs and you will return in time for May Balls. Take a look here to see what you will experience if you enter this coming year.

The Brindley (Windsurfing Cuppers) Cup

Team Racing Details

Event Format

The sailing format will be a Round-Robin league, seeded into different ability fleets, followed by semi finals and finals. Teams are two helms plus two crews, and we allow up to two entries per college if spaces are available. Furthermore, we permit a joint entry from two colleges if neither college can raise a full team. Make all your entries now – we will refund fees if we cannot accommodate your second entry.

Cost and Transport

Cost is £120 per a team (ie £30 per person), but you can claim back from your College JCR. This cost includes the lunchtime BBQ, which runs for most of the day. There will be two separate coach departures: one at 9:15am (be at Queens Backs by 09:10 at the latest); and one at 10:00am (meet at Queens Backs by 09:55 at the latest). The return coaches set out from Grafham Water at 4pm and 5pm.

Some Cuppers Advice

It is always sunny for Cuppers, so bring your suntan cream! Headgear is important if you or your team members are not used to ducking under the boom in a dinghy. Non-slip footwear that can get wet is essential. Buoyancy aids are available – but please bring your own if you have one.

Safety: Inland waters can sometimes contain pathogens. Although the Club has never experienced such a problem at Grafham, it is good practice to cover any cuts with a waterproof adhesive dressing – and wash hands before eating.   Also, as mentioned above, warn your team to watch out for the dinghy boom, which is a major source of head injuries that are at best unpleasant, if not life threatening.

As long as your team members are registered students of Cambridge University and we have their names and CRSids in advance, they are covered by personal accident insurance while participating. Although we have never had an accident in the last 10 years, if a team member is not a Cambridge University student they would be wise to ascertain what personal accident cover they have when taking part in sporting activities and associated travel.

Book Your Team Racing Entry Now!

Bookings of up to two teams per college are now being accepted on a ‘first come first served’ basis. Should you wish to enter a third team, email Jenny Jiang (yj357).

Windsurfing Details

Event Format

The event format will be knock-out racing, two boards per race, plus a repechage of those knocked out in the first round. Racing will be beach start and then around a simple course. A team is one person, but up to two entries per college are allowed if spaces are available. Make all your entries now – we will refund fees if we cannot accommodate your second entry.

Cost and Transport

Cost is £30 per person, but you can claim back from your College JCR. This cost includes the lunchtime BBQ, which runs for most of the day. There will be two separate coach departures: one at 9:15am (be at Queens Backs by 09:10 at the latest); and one at 10:00am (meet at Queens Backs by 09:55 at the latest). The return coaches set out from Grafham Water at 4pm and 5pm.

Cuppers Advice for Windsurfing

Please see the information under the team racing section above. Just to remind you, if you are a registered student of Cambridge University and have submitted your CRSid to us, you are covered by personal accident insurance while participating in Cuppers. if you are not a Cambridge University student you would be wise to ascertain what personal accident cover you have when taking part in sporting activities and associated travel.

Book Your Windsurfing Entry

The booking section follows immediately after the next ‘Book Your Entry Now’ section. Bookings of up to two teams per college are now being accepted on a ‘first come first served’ basis. Should you wish to enter a third team, email Jenny Jiang (yj357).

Book Your Entry Now!

Click on one of the ‘Buy Now’ buttons below and you will be taken straight to a checkout page. If no photos appear, Cuppers are over until next June. In addition, if a button is missing the event is fully booked – though additional places may be made available.

By proceeding to book you confirm your whole team’s acceptance of our participation and membership requirements. All team members will be Day Members of the club for the event.

Please enter your team details in the right-hand notes box on the Checkout page, noting the number of vegetarians (for BBQ catering) and bus times (for balls).