
This page lists the major policies of the Club.   The Club Regulations, which we maintain in line with the University’s requirements, set out the details.   If you join the Club, consult those detailed Cambridge Sailing, Windsurfing, Kitesurfing Regulations.   Do not rely on the brief notes presented here.

Equal Opportunity

We aim to treat members and visitors on their relative merits, abilities and potential. This is regardless of their age, sex, gender reassignment, relationships, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, socio-economic background, or other distinction. See Section 2 of the Club Regulations for details. The Club does not have sufficient resources to offer its activities to all disabled people, but there is a Grafham Water Sailability charity that runs a sailing programme to cater for those with special needs.

Conduct of Members for Cambridge Sailing, Windsurfing, Kitesurfing Regulations

The aim of good conduct is to promote the well-being of Club members. The Club wants everyone to experience a positive and enjoyable time at any Club event. So we expect Members, and any guests who accompany them, to behave appropriately. Furthermore, they must not cause accidents or bring the Club into disrepute.

Finally, the conduct of members includes their internet and social media activities. See Section 3 of the Club Regulations for details, including the provisions for complaints and Club discipline. The University provides an online definition of unacceptable conduct. The Sports Service maintains two helpful documents online for people involved in disclosure, complaint or disciplinary processes – but to access them you need to be logged in to Raven. The URI to use is:

Health & Safety

Each section of the Club manages the health and safety of its activities by its Trip Leaders, along with the Club’s Health & Safety Officer. Members are encouraged to report any concerns they have re health and safety to the Health & Safety Officer, whose details are on the Club Officers page, or to a senior officer of the Club or the Sports Service if they feel the issue has not been dealt with adequately by a junior officer.

Risk assessments for dinghy sailing, windsurfing, and kitesurfing are revised annually. In addition, a risk assessment is made for each Club trip. See Section 4 of the Club Regulations for general details and Section 9 for current risk assessments.

Accidents deemed reportable under Sports Service policies must be reported by completing the online Sports Injury Report. In addition, you must notify the Commodore and follow Grafham Water SC procedures.

Direct your general queries concerning sport health and safety to the Sports Service Safety and Compliance Officer.


The Club’s Welfare Officer, whose details are on the Club Officers page, is available to assist any member with a welfare issue and point them towards appropriate sources of help. See Section 5 of the Club Regulations for details. The University pays considerable attention to student welfare matters, in terms of  counselling,  student complaints,  accused support, and  student discipline.   All of these channels are available to members.

If you have a general query on welfare, contact Sport Welfare. Should you not wish to raise a matter with the Club’s Welfare Officer or through the other channels already mentioned, you may contact Assistant Director of Sport Karen Pearce (01223 762954).

Complaint and Disciplinary Processes

The arrangements for handling complaints and discipline are detailed in Section 3 of the Club Regulations. Other helpful links are given in the ‘Conduct’ section above.

Membership and Participation Declaration

Students and others join the Club or book an event via the Student pages of this website. In so doing they declare that they accept all the Club’s requirements. See Section 7 of the Club Regulations, or the Club Requirements page, for the full declaration.

Cambridge Sailing, Windsurfing, Kitesurfing Regulations – University Involvement

The Club registers annually with the CU Sports Service.

Data Protection and Privacy for Cambridge Sailing, Windsurfing, Kitesurfing Regulations

The Club engages in direct marketing, mainly by email, but we also telephone alumni. We therefore follows the guidelines of the Direct Marketing Association. Furthermore, we comply with all the requirements of Data Protection legislation. For details see Section 8 of the Club Regulations. See also our Student and Alumni Supporter privacy policies on this website.

Contact Us

If you have any comments regarding our policies, please contact the Commodore. His email address is on the Club Officers page. If you have a general query, please contact the Senior Secretary via the Contact Us page.

Cam Cup team racing event under way at Grafham Water